Asset Management

MIRAT Explains or Rather Introduces Businesses to SAM

The software asset management or famously known as SAM is an essential ITSM tool. According to an analyst report, the SAM market would reach approximately USD 4 billion by 2026, growing at a 14% CAGR. This number alone shows its importance to an organization’s ITSM operations. Investing in SAM today will cause improved efficiency and customer satisfaction tomorrow. Now businesses don’t need the foresight to know it is going to be true.

Let’s start with the basics.

So, who or rather what is SAM? MIRAT takes the introduction one step ahead and details the benefits as well.

It is about administering an IT asset’s life cycle from procurement to licensing and retirement. It is an important part of your business roadmap and utility because all departments use it.

What are the advantages of SAM?

1. Budgeting and spending

A policy with SAM centerfold helps control IT costs. It gives you a bird’s eye perspective of your asset management software present in the life cycle. It’s simple to see which licenses need renewing. You can examine your huge vendor agreements for a smart spending approach. SAM from MIRAT also keeps track of your asset management software utilization, allowing you to see which ones are in use and which can be retired. This saves a lot of money on your IT budget.

2. Securing software

Today’s digital world is full of cyber security threats. Software asset management is a simple yet powerful solution. A SAM utility identifies digital asset management software that needs to be upgraded or deleted. It turns out that obsolete digital asset management software is the quickest way to hack your entire business network, and here is where your IT asset management software administration platform may plan frequent scans of all assets to identify and reduce hazards.

3. Licensing (Legal)

As businesses become more reliant on third-party IT asset management software to speed up services, it is critical to guarantee that all software licenses are compliant. An efficient SAM structure is required to understand asset usage. This knowledge influences your company’s long-term purchasing and licensing decisions. External audits to check software compliance make SAM easier.

4. Finding patterns

The SAM for business solutions currently in use can uncover guides in usage based on previous events. This is highly useful for scheduling and monitoring existing equipment maintenance. You can respond swiftly before a network catastrophe occurs. A SAM solution also aids in integrating future administered services such as self-service portals and support solutions.

5. Employee

The correct software tools improve employee satisfaction and productivity. An efficient software administration policy benefits every forum, including IT, HR, and legal. Employees are more productive and motivated when they have access to the correct tools. Having a unified framework also minimizes training time and costs.

Knowing the advantages of implementing SAM for business, your next optimistic step would be to contact MIRAT and visit our website for more details.’s IT Infrastructure Management is Affordable & Easy to use! Get your Dashboard ready in only 5 Minutes. Request for Trial/Demo now (or) Contact our Team Now .

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Phone: +1-315-636-4213


MIRAT is an ITSM enabled, highly aligned with ITIL guidelines, and a single product with multiple features. You can opt either a single feature or multiple features as per your IT demands.

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